Of all the mysteries in the universe, Time has got to be right up there.
What is it, where does it come from, and why do folks keep running out of it? Is it just a figment of human imagination, or something that is inherently weaved into our cosmos?
Well, whatever it is; it plays a very important role in our lives. The moment we come to existence, we are time-stamped so we can begin counting this elusive entity, and how we expend it.
We spend it, sometimes out of joy; kill it, color it as "good" or "bad", and find it to be the single most common and important factor in literally everything we do.
So in a way, Time is fundamentally the most precocious resource of all.
Now what's all this got to do with the title of this article? For one, it's a perspective that out of all the things we can do for our customers; we should value their time the most.
Enterprises, Brands and Businesses ought to invest in low latency eco-systems so there is consistency in actions and engagement across touchpoints. However, this must result in optimization that's meaningful for the end customer.
We've got to make an objective assessment, whether:
- our proposition requires a time-sensitive action from customer?
- our proposition is event-sensitive? (location based engagement, personalized itinerary updates etc.)
- [Most importantly] what we have to offer adds value to customer's in-moment experience?
So while we invest in "real-time"; let's ensure it all comes together to deliver customers a "good-time".